Round Rock Online Payments

Municipal Court

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Online request for driver's safety, select the EXPLORE OPTIONS  button when you are looking up your citation. It is your responsibility to double check your eligibility for this request. Click here to review.  Have your license and current insurance card ready to upload.  

 If you fail to provide complete information as requested, your plea will not be accepted.

*DEFERRED DISPOSITION CAN NOT be requested OR paid online**

*Not all violations may be paid online.

*You waive the right to dispute this online transaction.

* DO NOT pay online if you are appearing in court. Payments are final.

*If paying an active arrest warrant, it will be lifted when the paid violation has been processed.  Please print your receipt and keep it with you.

*If there is a hold on your driver's license through DPS's Failure to Pay/Appear program, you must wait 3 to 5 business days from the date your payment was processed by the court to renew your license.

Need help?

Online request for driver's safety, select the EXPLORE OPTIONS  button when you are looking up your citation. It is your responsibility to double check your eligibility for this request. Click here to review.  Have your license and current insurance card ready to upload.  

 If you fail to provide complete information as requested, your plea will not be accepted.

*DEFERRED DISPOSITION CAN NOT be requested OR paid online**

*Not all violations may be paid online.

*You waive the right to dispute this online transaction.

* DO NOT pay online if you are appearing in court. Payments are final.

*If paying an active arrest warrant, it will be lifted when the paid violation has been processed.  Please print your receipt and keep it with you.

*If there is a hold on your driver's license through DPS's Failure to Pay/Appear program, you must wait 3 to 5 business days from the date your payment was processed by the court to renew your license.